Flocked Animals and Bugs

La Boheme Crafts offers you a wonderful assortment of flocked animals and bugs for you to add to some of your creations. We had someone once buy some of the small critters to decorate a childs birthday cake! What a unique idea!

Need some that will fit in with your Christmas decorating? Check out our Christmas Miniatures section. We are sure you will find something to suit your needs.

For information about placing an order, please use our Contact Us page. Thank you.

flocked bear

203) 1 inch Flocked Bear$0.50 each

Choose from the following colours:

Assorted BrownWhite
Assorted PastelWhite and Grey

flocked flat back bear

204) 1 1/2 inch Flocked Flat Back Bear$0.50 each

Choose from the following colours:

Assorted BrownWhite
Assorted PastelWhite and Grey

080) 1 inch Flocked Panda

Black and White$1.10 each


208) 1 1/2 inch Flocked Penguin

Black and White with Red Hat$0.75 each

jointed bear

337) Beige Flocked Jointed Bear

1 3/4 inches pkg of 5$3.00
2 3/4 inchespkg of 4$3.00

wood mice

373) Natural Wood Mice

1/2 inch pkg of 3$1.40
1 inchpkg of 3$1.50

chenille bees

237) 3/4 inch Chenille Bees

Black and Yellow pkg of 3$1.40
1 inchpkg of 3$1.50

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